Personalised Discord Page for your server and bots

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Get your bot and server out of the box [ \ ]

Offer yourself a nice looking Invite page for your Discord Bot without the hassle of making your whole website, maintaining it, securing it, scaling it and etc!

For less then five dollars per month, we make you a partial page containing your pictures, Title, Description, Keywords, and a SEO friendly URL with the name of your bot!

Your URL would look like this (Decide):

Example A: []


Example B: []

You will be able to include:

PNG, SVG and Jpeg images with the monthly plan.

See exemple of the Discord bot page:

We allow custom HTML with the Biannually and Yearly plans (6 Months+), we will review your HTML files, they must not link to any harmful website or content (Keep it SFW).

You can also include your Discord Server, YouTube Channel, and more social media if they are familly-friendly (SFW).

With the Yearly plan, you can send us your custom CSS design and we will work on making something great together starting with the name of your bot and all the advantage of the precedent tiers

Condition and restriction that apply:

Your text, images and advertisement must not contain any harmful content and your bot must respects the Discord Terms of Services and MRichard333 Terms of Services.

Also we own the website but rent the server so we cannot give you an entire page we have to keep at least our thematic (Orange, Black and Cyan) the general website integrity and the footer but it is also what allow us to have a safer then the average website, what you get is a spot on our website.

MRichard333 is a website about Cybersecurity and Fraud Prevention, our discord bot (MR3) does the same!

You can contact us at if you have any questions!

Extra notes:

SEO: mean Search Engine Optimization, it is how your link will appear on google and other search engine (title, description and keywords)

Create an account on and you will be able to post all your pictures and SEO's details there, everything that you want us to use. (You will be approved using your unique License ID, it will be send to your email with your confirmation).

Ps: you must register with same email address.

Premium bonus: Adfree
I wish you an amazing day and stay awesome!


Personalised Discord Page

HTML (No Script)
Estimated Delay
1 to 4 weeks
Premium estimated delay
1 to 2 week
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$4.95 a month

Personalised Discord Page for your server and bots

0 ratings